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Important Dates

We HONOR our Veteran's Nov. 11th- no school for students & staff 

Once again we will hold a food drive for the North Plains food bank starting on Wednesday, Nov. 6th - 20th. The winning class gets to take a walking field trip to our local Food Bank to organize the food donated from our community on Friday, Nov. 22nd. Ice Cream sandwiches to celebrate as well! Lead contact is Brenda Bottema if you would like to help and/or have questions!

Conferences are Nov. 25th between 3:30pm-7:30pm and Nov. 26th 7:30am-7:15pm. Sign-up for conferences using the following links: 


5 & 6 

Thanksgiving break begins Nov. 27th : Office will be CLOSED

5th & 6th Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) lessons begin Dec. 9th up until Winter Break. 

Community Movie Night is Friday, Dec. 13th from 5:30pm-7:30pm in our cafeteria! Bring anything comfy and enjoy free popcorn & a movie on the big screen! 

Winter Break starts Dec. 23rd; students return to school Jan. 6th.